Privacy & Policy

Types of personal information collected

When visiting our website, you may need to provide some types of information including:

  • Contact information such as name, email address, postal address, and phone number
  • Demographic information such as age, gender, and interests
  • Financial information such as payment information for purchases made on the website
  • Behavioral information such as browsing history, search history, and purchase history
  • Device information such as IP address, browser type, and operating system
  • It is important to note that the specific types of personal information collected may vary depending on the website’s purpose and the services it provides. The privacy policy should also specify how the collected information will be used and how it will be protected.

Why we collect personal information

These are the reasons why we collect personal information from our website visitors:

Contact forms: We often have contact forms that visitors can fill out to send a message or ask questions. Personal information collected through these forms, such as name and email address, is used to respond to the visitor’s inquiries.

Marketing: We collect personal information to send promotional emails and targeted advertisements. This information may include email addresses, purchase history, and browsing behavior.

Analytics: Our site may collect personal information to track how visitors use the site and to improve our user experience. This information may include IP addresses, device type, and browsing behavior.

Legal compliance: We may be required to collect and store personal information to comply with legal requirements such as tax laws or data protection regulations.

Children under 13

This means that if a website visitor is under 13 years of age, they are not allowed to access the service offered on the site. This policy is in place to protect the privacy and safety of children, as they may be more vulnerable to online exploitation and abuse. Additionally, many privacy laws and regulations, such as the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), prohibit websites from collecting personal information from children under 13 without verifiable parental consent.